The UK Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) released its draft determination on regulated water assets, which is favorable to CKI HOLDINGS (01038.HK) +2.700 (+5.832%) Short selling $17.18M; Ratio 7.460% 's nearly 40%-owned Northumbrian Water project, which includes allowing the water bill to rise to GBP460 by 2029-2030, slightly lower than NWG's proposed level of GBP471, but higher than GBP415 for 2024-2025, Daiwa released a research report saying.
Considering that POWER ASSETS (00006.HK) +1.400 (+3.193%) Short selling $13.06M; Ratio 11.743% only owns about 6% of NWG, Daiwa believed that the news is slightly positive to POWER ASSETS' fundamentals, and reiterated that it is expected to bring a potential turning point for POWER ASSETS' share price once regulatory uncertainties dissipate.
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Daiwa forecasted dividend yield for POWER ASSETS to be 6.6% this year, much higher than Hong Kong's utilities, China Gas and power utilities peers, signaling it to be a very attractive level. Daiwa reiterated rating at Buy.
(HK stocks quote is delayed for at least 15 mins.Short Selling Data as at 2024-07-12 12:25.)
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